26 June, 2010

Jesus, How I Long

I was overcome today with how much we have here in the United States - how blessed and fortunate we are. I have a holy fear of the knowledge that those who are comfortable now will be so no more, and those who struggle now, will be comforted and provided for in the end. I know that through my study of Job - the Lord can and does use suffering not as punishment for sin, but as a cleanser of the spirit. I pray to be cleansed. Jesus walked on this earth that you and I walk on, this dust. And in the end, He comes for us again and we shall bow in awe at His name.

Oh...my Lord...how You are so worthy. That You stooped so low to walk on this earth, amongst us fallen creatures. It was declared long before You came. Repeatedly. And You were coming. 

Job declared it long ago in the midst of his anguish, "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth" (job 19:25)

Oh, my lovely God - You Who are named Jesus. May I love You with all my heart, with all my might. May I long for You in each moment. May I long for the edge of Your robe. For the healing of You. For the calling of You. For the knowledge of You. For the heart of You and for Your will. May I long for You all my days. Lord, may You intensify my life and provide in it all the things that take me to You. May Your loving hand out-pour onto me now as I venture into Your blazing presence.

Oh, Jesus! Oh, my Father! Oh...sweet Holy Spirit, come upon us now that we may live and live abundantly!

I worship You. I will follow You anywhere.

"How Wonderful"
Lifting hands in song and dance
Humbled by the glory of the cross
We've been redeemed and reconciled
Caught up in the splendor of it all
Eternal life You gave
So we will bring song of praise

How wonderful
How lovely is Your name
You captivate our hearts
You save us by Your grace

God of mercy, God of love
How we marvel at Your majesty
As we kneel before Your holy throne
In the beauty of Your mystery
We are children of the King
Father, of Your love we sing

And You are
Closer than a brother, Jesus
Closer than a brother, Jesus
Oh, the name of Jesus
Oh, the name of Jesus
Oh, the name of Jesus