13 July, 2010

Breaking Bread Dream

"He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food."  
- Job 36:16

While I'm aware that this may seem strange to some, I am no less inclined to share the contents of a dream I had last week. I know that many will find this encouraging and many more will find it puzzling. To me, well...let's just say that I don't really find anything per se...or anyone for that matter...but that He finds me, although I once was lost. The Lord God Almighty found me in the low place, that of humility.

Tuesday, July 6th, Fast Asleep:

I am in unfamiliar territory and have a brand new job; a bit nervous, a bit excited (note 1 - see below for interpretation notes). I had no idea what it would entail. I go to the owner as soon as I get there, it is a warm, but firm elderly woman, full of life - she looks like my grandma (note 2). It is as if she is my grandma with a happier, more selfless disposition. She gives me instructions for my work. First, I am to help lift the other elderly people around, help them up, care for them (note 3).

Promptly at a designated time, I am to switch to kitchen duty (note 4). We are going to be serving quite a few people, so prepare she tells me ! I am nervous, knowing I cannot cook for one barely, let alone many people (note 5)! We are no longer catering to elderly people, but now, we are catering to those of all ages and mostly around my age it seems. It is a big food court type of setting and my boss tells me that once a day, we feed as many people as come to us for free, no matter what financial situation their in. They're totally loaded? Great. They're totally poor? Even better. We're just here to serve. And my job, she says, is to serve them individually, take them food (note 6). She sends me on my way.

I'm not exactly sure what to be doing, but I see there is a basket full of hot bread, uncut. I don't know why, but I start breaking the bread in half with my hands, grabbing a container of butter, and meeting each guest at the door as they come in with the hot bread (note 7).
They have it as they go through the rest of the food and pick what they want and are satisfied, loved for, and welcomed (note 8). Many people come in I know, people who I have had bad relationships with, people who I have had good relationships with, they're all there. Some people sit alone, but not for long, because they are not afraid to scoot down to the people they don't know and feel comfortable and happy. No one is discontent, no one is alone, everyone is fed (note 9).

It is the end of the day, I did great she says, and go home. I am surprised by how quickly the day has ended (note 10).


Click on links to go to scriptures.

1) This is your life & what God is doing and will do with it.  This is how you feel about it. Not a literal job; a spiritual role.
2) Represents God.
3) James 4:10 - Humility.
4) Promptness = discernment & knowing when to switch roles. Kitchen = being a part of what God is "cooking" up.
5) 2 Corinthians 12:10 - His strength in our weakness.
6) For more on food as a representation of the knowledge of God, go to this BLOG about muffins...
7)  Matthew 15:36 - Bread = Word of God, Bread of Life. To quote Louie McGeorge, "For the (bread) Word to be effective and bring forth life to others.....it must be broken.  This means you have embraced the word of the Lord and so give yourself to His plans and purposes......that He leads you into ways you are not familiar with.......often times your ideas and plans are "broken" before the Lord. when that occurs you come forth truly understanding and wanting only His will......Then this is where miracles, signs, and wonders happen."
8) Psalm 132:15 - Satisfied - how one feels after the bread is broken.
9) Job 36:16 - How it is when we sit at the banquet table of the Lord.
10) Purpose for dream :: What has happened by sharing the knowledge of God with others.
Side Note) A friend has a dream about breaking bread two weeks prior, unbeknownst to me until after my own dream.

Many notes provided by Justine McKnight :: read her BLOG.


And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me."- Luke 22:19

Then Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."-John 6:35