18 October, 2009

The Traits of Jesus

As I have been reading the New Testament for the first time - I am getting to see who Jesus is (the traits of God in human form), how he acts, how he speaks, what makes him unique as a human - and I'd like to note some of these things I'm witnessing. It may seem very elementary...very basic...and that's because it is. Where better to start from?

1. Named by God through a messenger (an angel)...Luke 2:21
2. Childhood of fleeing (Bethlehem > Egypt > Nazareth)...Matthew 2
3. An earthly mother who treasured him...Luke 2:51
4. An earthly father who was righteous...Matthew 1:19
5. Baptizes with the Holy Spirit and fire...Matthew 3:11
6. Allowed himself to be led by the Holy Spirit, with which he is filled...Matthew 4:1 & Luke 4:1
7. Does not test the Father and serves Him only...Matthew 4:7 & 10
8. Does not want others to be afraid...Luke 5:10, Mark 6:50
9. Knows what is in a person's heart...John 2: 25, Mark 2:8
10. His Father is spirit, so he worships Him with his own spirit...John 4:24

* Worship: adoring, revering, and devoting your thoughts, words, and actions to God.

11. Compassionate...Mark 1:41, Luke 15:20
12. Was lonely at times...Mark 1: 45
13. Calls people...Mark 2: 17
14. Does not want others to fast while he is with them...Mark 2:14-15

* Fasting: a symbol of mourning for the absence of the bridegroom

15. Creates rules for (the good of) people, not people for rules...Mark 2:27 & 3:4-5
16. Does not collect material treasures...Matthew 6:19
17. Calls it like it is - identifies the sin...Matthew 7:5
18. What comes from his mouth is the overflow from his heart...Luke 6:45
19. Raises people from physical death...Luke 7:14-15, Mark 5:41
20. Thinks words are important...Matthew 12:37, John 6:63
21. Loved to talk in parables...Matthew 13

* Parable: a simple story used for moral lessons.

22. Asks questions to make people think, not because he doesn't know...Mark 4:40
23. Experiences amazement...Mark 6:6
24. Is the ultimate judge...John 5:22-23
25. Can give others his divine power...Mark 6:7
26. Wants us to be shrewd and innocent...Matthew 10:16

* Shrewd: a sharp power for correct judgment, very perceptive.
* Innocent: free from guilt and moral wrong-doing.

27. Speaks to individuals in the dark...Matthew 10:27
28. Asks for us to love him more than all else, including people...Matthew 10:37
29. Gentle...Mark 6:31
30. Bold (and a bit sassy, if I do say so myself)...Matthew 14:16
31. Came to earth from heaven...John 6:33
32. Purpose: to do will of his Father...John 6:38-39
33. Doesn't like complaining...John 6:43
34. Rough...Mark 7:18
35. Teacher of all topics...Matthew 15:14
36. Reveals unbelief through question asking...Mark 9:23
37. Never turns away someone looking for help...Luke 9:41, Matthew 11:10
38. Greatly treasures childlike humility...Matthew 18:2-4, Mark 10:15

* Humility: believing oneself to be unimportant > a submissive, serving heart.

39. Greatly values an individual...Matthew 18:12-14
, Luke 15:3-7
40. Heals through teaching...compare Mark 10:1 & Matthew 19:1-2
41. Filled with joy by the Holy Spirit...Luke 10:21
42. Desires us to find rest from burdens through submission...Matthew 11:28-30
43. Only asks us to worry about one thing...Luke 10:41-42
44. Asks us to gift what he has gifted...Luke 11:41
45. Exposes...Luke 12:3
46. Has power over our final destiny...Luke 12:4
47. Gives good reminders...Luke 17:10
48. Does not seek glory for himself...John 8:50
49. Does not impose natural evil to punish specific sin...John 9:3
50. Moves in people before they know him...John 9:11
51. Is a gate - must go through him...John 10:7-9
52. Indignant...Mark 10:13-15

* Indignant: feeling or showing anger or annoyance

53. Generous...Matthew 20:13-15
54. Proclaims to be God...John 10:33

I will be adding constantly to this list as I read more about Jesus' life. If anyone who reads this should find something I have written confusing or incorrect, please bring me your thoughts in an edifying way - I'd love to hear them.

Thank you my Holy Lord, for presenting me and all your people, with the blessing to read about and know your amazing Son.

