01 November, 2009

The Day of Full Teaching

Today is November 1st, 2009. It is a Sunday. Even from the moment my eyes opened, I had peace. The usual confusion crept in now and again, that which causes me to stop and wonder about the eternal and how it applies to my heart and mind at the said time. As I popped my eyes open, the first sight I caught was my family's skinny, yet huge German Sheppard cuddled up next to me on top of the quilt - sometimes Dax can be a real sweetie, despite his intimidatingly dark coat and fierce name. I got out of bed and proceeded to make a doggy-breakfast and then my own human breakfast. Strawberry cereal. Yum. And coffee. Yum x 2. After every being in the house was provided for and happy, I continued to get ready and eventually shot out the front door in response to my sister-in-law's text message, reading, "We're here!" And we're off to church.

First up on the menu - Sunday School with Mr. Owen Anderson. Brief overview on some viewpoints of a few deep-thinkers, namely the sardonic Richard Dawkins (naturalist - biologist), Paul Davies (astrophysicist - abides by law of entropy - universe cannot be eternal), and C.S. Lewis (Liar, Lunatic, or Lord - Owen asks if these are really our only choices?). Differentiation between Apologetics (seeking to defend what one already believes) and Philosophy (seeking truth through presuppositional thinking). He comments that it is better to believe than not, yet better still to believe with foundations than without. A Reformed Epistemologist he says? A defender of fideism. Owen made compelling points on 2 issues thereafter. 1) That it is important not to attempt to "hook" or "sell" people into Christianity, but to allow the foundations of consistent truth be what sells them: conviction right here. 2) Adam, Eve, and Cain...they knew God existed - talked to Him throughout the day - probably knew God in an immediate, proximal way, but did they know God? For if they did know, would they disobey an all-good being who had just created them? Probably not.

Next on the menu: "The Kingdom of God" - here on earth, our wonderful pastor begins his sermon with, we are to rule over the earth and have dominion over it. A blessing. However, once sin was introduced - it too came under our dominion - we are to rule over the sin at our doorstep. Consider Genesis 4:6-7, when God speaks to Cain:

"Then the LORD said to Cain, "Why are you angry? Why is your face downcast? If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Amen? Sin is cumulative. A progression now to be an example: 1) You stop seeking after the Lord earnestly. 2) You give into the sin crouching at your doorstep and follow the desires of your heart, say some sort of sexual sin. 3) Your sin turns into perversion. 4) You are utterly consumed by your sin and have fallen into mindlessness and casualty. 5) You are a slave. You are in bondage. When we do not understand the Lord in depth, we are prone to react quickly through the sin in our heart and thus, the slavery becomes real. Have you ever felt this way?

Third item up: Institute for Cultural Influence - "Church & Family" - How do we reverse a false view on the institute of family in a culture? We begin with the origins of family - it roots from man and woman; Gen 1:27-28 says multiply and be fruitful in order that we may may know more fully the Truine relationship of God . Statistics overwhelmingly indicate kids with a mother and father are the most likely NOT to fall into drugs, sexual promiscuity, etc. Why are there not enough leaders in society who value this important institute? Because they were hurt by the same system...Thoughts of the panel for both family and church (taking the liberty to paraphrase):

Tracy - in response to the audiences mention of the real concern of "fear of commitment"

* It's scarier to think about life without commitment. (amen)

* You set each other free to be who you really are.

* Because we are hurt in relationships, we also heal through them.


* Take confidence in knowing that God is preparing you for marriage right now and He is thinking about it, so we don't need to worry.

* It's impossible to be fully formed before going into marriage.


* It is key to view women in the church as daughters of God. (amen)

* Bring the church to those who don't understand the Lord yet by walking with them and not condemning.


* Marriage plays the brutally important role of accountability - especially important when one is in full-time ministry.

* Do not allow the cultural view of mediocrity to be the standard on this or anything ordained by God.


* You need the heart of a servant to be in ministry - without it, you won't last long.

* Time is precious - do not waste it on things you know won't be glorifying.


* If you were "passed a broken baton" through the examples given you in life of what relationships really are, don't let it stay broken before you pass it.

* "Assembling" in Hebrew means, "an ornament" that is beautiful to God. He loves when we come together in His name.

Is that a full day of wonderful teaching or what? Truly blessed. Thank you Lord for the amazing work being done in Your name that I am getting the gift of being able to watch! I pray that You teach us all to come to You each day with a childlike heart eager to see Your holy will, especially in these areas of our lives right now - family, knowledge, dominion, mastering sin, and church. Amen.
