15 August, 2010

The Mender

The way I feel about You, my Lord,
That You would even think so much of me,
As to set me upon Your platform,
A starting place to jump into the depths of Your waters.
Your waves and breakers sweep over me,
And by morning Your lovingkindess directs,
By evening, Your song guides.
You are the Root,
With Your foundations mysteriously alive,
And solidified in the depths of the earth.
My God, You formed me there,
You watched with great pain as I grew without You,
The creation You wove distorting and dying.
You watched as others stole from me,
And mightily orchestrated the time of my rescue;
When You would rejoice in song loudly over me,
Quieting my soul, and allowing my eyes to wander,
Over my very own page in Your book of life.
I snuff out my torch now, so that my paths are dark,
For Your light is the only true Wayfinder.
I am not scared within my soul,
Because You have told me You will never leave.
Even now, Your eyes move to and fro throughout the earth,
So that You may strongly support those whose heart is completely Yours.
I will keep moving, though my feet seem inadequate for the day,
For I know that the strength of my God is perfect.
Moving forward, I listen for His call,
And search out knowledge of Him like hidden treasure.
My face is radiant with mercy, sparking as I look for His Spirit,
Never will it be put to shame.
